Wednesday, December 16, 2009

3 hard riddles!

Which football player wears the biggest helemet?
The one with the biggest head!
When do monkeys play ball?
What is black and white and pink all over?
Embarresed Zebra

Tik Tok!

I have come up with a poem! It is called Tik Tok here it is:
I have little a little clock,
it goes tik tok,
you can rock,
with that sound tik tok,
I like to rock!
With that TIK TOK,
One day me Grandpa said you'll die one day like I will in place; a clock,
and as long as you TOK,
the clock,
will beat& tik tok,
the poem dosen't have tok, to-to-tok,
it can just go tik tok, tik tok, tik tok!
The meaning of the poem is your heart is like a clock, no matter where you are you can hear the tik tok and make choice, because life isn't about what you have it's about making the right choices!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

HAHAHA I bet you can't get it!

When Asked this question to Harvard students only 20% got it right. When asked to a kinderghartners 95% got it right. So I bet now, your dying to know what stumped the old people and was so easy for the Kinderghartners.

What burns more than Hell?
What's better than Heaven?
What stronger than love?
What is more powerful than anything at all?
No it's not time... it could be... but I know that it isn't time.

If you get it good for you!
This has been a weekly riddle from Maddie!

Think your computer is boring?

Dear People who read my blog,
This note covers 2 things. We'll start with the important stuff, that if you bought a computer (like I did) and Microsoft lied and only had a 2 month trial and the trial is up, well now your worrying can stop! At you can download word processors and much more! I got a word processor and a new cursor list for the price of ZERO. Isn't it noce to get free stuff?
My next thing is that on WEDNSEYDAYS I'll have a weekly video posting! And, I'm thinking of putting a password on the blog if I do that. Or comment and leave your email and I'll email you the video. Thnk you much!