Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh Here's BoomBox! Isn't he cute?
Fave Song: Kiss me through the phone
Fave Food: Sushi
Fave Animal: Yoohoo Leamur
Yay All done!!!

The saying isn't true!

"Children are meant to be seen and not heard." That saying isn't true. Altough adults may think children are dummies and they don't know anything it's not true. Actually a DULT means stupid for wich you aren't grown up at all. Being stupid is being smart. There is no bairier between smart and stupid like there is no barier between my Maddie and Albert Eistein. Don't worry I feel like you well, sometimes there is a fine line-a Dult is the thing you are. Do you think that albert was born Perfect had no mistakes? Your wrong. He had many mistakes. In fact when Thomas Edison failed he said,"I didn't fail I found a 103 ways not to make a light bulb."
You cannot fail you can try and try again. That's all you can do.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cast list

The follwing people have choices to be in the play.

Ashley B.
Tryouts will not be held please show up Mar. 9. 09 we'll run through scenes THERE IS NO DIRECTOR YOU MUST ALL AGREE ON WHAT TO DO.



What do you think??? Should we have one about the Revolution or about the Great Deprision???

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wow this dog is rock dog!! Haha! I've got something to say if you have a dog please listen to this my family is starting a dog biz and hotel for dogs if you would like to help please contact me! BTW the hotel and biz is called the Paw!


Now you should get aload of this:
Timmy was failing in math. His parents tried everything tutors, mentors, private teachers. Finaly they tried catholic school.
When Timmy gaot home that day he didn't even talk to his mom he went right to studying. When his mom came to tell him it was time for dinner he came down ate then went back up and got to the books. When he got his report card he had an A+ in math. Finally his mother asked "why". He said, " When, I saw the guy nailed to the + sign I knew they're talking buisness."
This is for anyone who needs a good laugh.


Wow! I hope you all had a good day off from school since we had snow!!! I hope you played in the snow yesterday. My friend wrote down a poem for me to share with all of you.
Snow is great
Snow is my mate
Snow is the best
Snow is what I yern for
Snow is what I learn.